Premium Reporting: Create usage-based insurance products with ease

With our Premium Reporting feature, it’s easier than ever to create usage-based insurance products on Socotra. In today’s world, pay-as-you-go policies are becoming more and more popular for insurers and policyholders alike. Socotra’s Premium Reporting feature can natively support billing models for any usage-based insurance (UBI) policy scenario, including:

  • Workers’ compensation where payroll changes on a monthly basis

  • Automobile insurance for fluctuating driving patterns in mileage-based policies

  • Commercial policies for varying fleet sizes

The Premium Reporting feature can also support loss-sensitive plans, primarily for commercial lines, where the insurance premium adjusts according to the insured’s past loss history.

There are two main billing models in the insurance world: prospective and retrospective. In prospective models, a policy is sold on a time basis and the premium amount is known upfront. In retrospective models, the premium is based on actual usage in a given time frame and billed after the fact. These are often referred to as pay-as-you-go policies because the billing is based on actual experience during the policy term.

Socotra natively supports prospective billing models, providing insurers the means to bill policyholders in advance. But what about pay-as-you-go or usage-based insurance products for workers’ compensation, automobile policies, and commercial policies? With our Premium Reporting feature, insurers can calculate premiums retrospectively. There is one invoice per premium report, generated at the time the report is issued, rather than a schedule of invoices delivered upfront.

Socotra’s Premium Reporting feature results in a much simpler workflow that allows for faster implementations, cleaner and clearer data, and streamlined billing improvements for both you and your customers.

[Watch a free demo of our Premium Reporting feature]

To configure Premium Reporting for an insurance product in Socotra’s Configuration Studio, select the desired product from the Home page, then select ‘Premium Reporting’, then ‘Premium Reports’, and select ‘Add New’. After naming the report, you can add documents, fields, and configure the specific calculations.

Read the full article and watch our on-demand demo: Premium Reporting: Create usage-based insurance products with ease

Learn more about how to configure Premium Reporting in our public documentation.

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