First major update in 50 years.
Founded in 2017, Jerry has raised a total funding of $242 million.
QBE North America is a partner.
PCF is a top 20 US insurance brokerage.
SafeAuto has a new family.
Group 1001 emphasized that, to the best of their knowledge, there have been no reports of fraudulent activity involving personal information compromised during the attack.
TrustLayer will enable faster and more efficient proof of insurance verification.
Taking the name Syntrinsic, an IMA Company, the investment firm will retain its local identity.
AXA Secure GPT has been made available to 1,000 employees of AXA Group Operations (AXA GO).
The platform allows NDIS participants to match with service provider.
Cyber coverage through the Converge program will be provided on a non-admitted basis through QBE North America's companies.
The news follows the Vesttoo scandal.
Exponential Exchange is a platform for financial innovation.
The ruling is a step in the direction of accountability and investor and consumer protection.
This is Insurance 2.0.