Foresight is building a broker income insights report

The content marketing team at Foresight recently published an anonymous income survey for property and casualty insurance brokers.

If enough data is collected in the survey, the team will build a Broker Income Insights report detailing:

  • P/C broker income range in each state
  • Income range in various market segments
  • Whether or not factors like value-adding services and agency size influence income

“There’s a lack of information out there on P/C broker earning potential and how various factors affect income,” says Lindsey Holzberger, Senior Growth Manager at Foresight. “Professionals on other career paths benefit from detailed salary reports on sites like Glassdoor. We want to bring the same value to brokers.”

The 3-minute survey is open to any P/C insurance broker in the US until March 23, 2021. Participants can opt-in to early access to the results.

If you’re interested in participating, you can take the survey here.

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