Liiva platform to shut down tomorrow

Swiss insurer Die Mobiliar launched Liiva in 2021 as a joint venture with Raiffeisen to manage all homeownership needs. “Are you looking to buy a home? Renovate your balcony? Manage property taxes? Downsize and sell a home? Liiva serves as your digital home to manage every single document, process, and wish. Once signing up, users can manage all the transformations a homeowner moves through.”

In 2022, the company introduced a premium offering starting at CHF 150 (instead of CHF 299) where members could receive legal advice, get personal concierge support, and learn about construction projects in their area.

The company shared that it is shutting down tomorrow as they were unable to secure the additional investments needed from their parent company.

“Despite the immense dedication of the entire Liiva team, we were unable to establish a homeowner platform with a promising positioning. Over the past months, we have pursued a comprehensive product pivot and tested the concept of a digital financial assistant for specific life events. To sustain Liiva as a financial assistant in the future, additional investments from our mother company would have been necessary, which we regrettably could not secure despite promising results from the product-market fit tests. Therefore, the Liiva platform will cease its services and close its website as of July 25, 2024.”