CUNA’s AdvantEdge Analytics offers consulting

Credit union data analytics firm AdvantEdge Analytics announced the launch of its Consulting Services business line. The services complement AdvantEdge Analytics’ cloud-based Data Platform, a set of end-to-end analytics technologies designed specifically for credit unions. Consulting Services may be used with or without integrating the Data Platform. The Consulting Services team designs custom analytics strategies specific to a credit union’s goals. To ease implementation, credit unions receive detailed solution blueprints, an analytics budget and a prioritized roadmap with achievable timelines and guideposts.

“Over the past 10 years our data and analytics function has evolved and matured, but in a somewhat undisciplined way. Before working with the Consulting Services team, we hadn’t established strong, centralized governance, nor any defined management or strategy function. Our best chance for doing that effectively was to partner with data experts who could help us pull all our disparate ideas and aspirations into one strategy the entire business could get behind.” – John Sahagian, chief data officer at at BCU, an AdvantEdge Analytics client.