Belgian Insurer P&V Launches UBI weCover

Brussel-based insurance company P&V has introduced a new car insurance brand called weCover, offered via its direct arm Actel


The UBI scheme is part hardware, part software (mobile app) designed to allow good drivers to pay as low as 40% off the liability portion of their car insurance premium. Here’s how it works: drivers install a box, download an app and drive. Later, they are ranked based on their driving habits. Also, good drivers are offered “a wide range of gifts.”



Wait, there’s more. Starting January 12 – March 02, 2018, the insurer will be running a contest to uncover the top twenty good drivers based on their driving style score. The prize – an iPhone X.


Play. (1:29 into the video = English).


PS. Not to be confused with French startup Wecover.