Founded in 2014, Xcelerate provides financing, leasing and warranty products for the Battery Electric Vehicle industry for both the private and public sectors.
Broker launches new digital platform.
Through this partnership, operators can easily get insurance quotes, purchase policies online, and generate insurance certificates using a digital portal.
BlueCruise is Ford’s hands-free highway driving technology.
This new arrival forms an integral part of Markel's strategy as the organization continues to accelerate growth across its W&I portfolio.
RLI has served homeowners in Hawaii for more than 25 years.
Rubrik is a cloud data management company.
Nexus is a London-based specialty MGA founded in 2008.
Collaboration aims to offer personalized insurance rates and a unified checkout process for car subscribers.
The company, in partnership with John Hancock, will focus on offering life insurance solutions combined with wellness program, Vitality.
This marks Matros' first foray into the insurance industry.
In terms of UX, a user will be able to go straight from to to compare insurance rates. Special offers and discounts may also be available through this partnership.
This platform will simplify complicated documents into easily understandable data for Hylant's risk management systems.
TDI has received a total of 50 complaints about Go/Peachtree.
The company announced that Adam Winslow is to be appointed as CEO of the company.