Editor at Coverager
Founded in 2013, the Allianz X-backed mobile bank is live in 25 countries, including the US.
HSBC Insurance (Asia) Limited, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC, has announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire the remaining 50% equity interest in HSBC Life Insurance Company...
DealerPolicy, which allows car buyers to instantly compare auto insurance quotes from insurers as part of the car-buying process, will integrate with J.D. Power's new insurance data and analytics platform
The startup leverages machine learning to track consumers' bills and spending patterns, using the data to provide money-saving tips.
has launched the AARP Annuity Marketplace powered by Blueprint Income, an exclusive marketplace for AARP members to compare and purchase simple annuities from a select group of seven “highly-rated” insurance companies....
Wise offers a fully digital banking experience, allowing business owners to open accounts online and enjoy zero fees.
The two-minute process can be done in the comfort of a client's home without the need to interact with healthcare providers or in-person nurse visits.
The insurance scheme, which costs 15 euros to 20 euros a month, allows new car buyers to delay monthly payments until they are rehired.
Otonomo has developed a car data services platform that ingests automotive OEM data, then reshapes, enriches and protects it so companies can use the data to develop a host of apps.
Nexar's US-based network of drivers using the company's vision-powered dash cameras has grown tenfold since late 2018 and spans more than 70 million miles every month across more than 1,000 cities.
Pacific Life will use FAST software to augment data workflows, improve its policy administration, and enhance its distribution management for its Life Insurance and Retirement Solutions divisions.
Established in 2018, the Atlanta-based team of ~51 is led by Rashik Adhikari.
Over 1.4 million record transactions have already been completed using Particle Health's API by top tier telemedicine, pharmacy and virtual health companies.
In the memo, Case states that no one at Aon is going to lose their job because of the COVID-19 outbreak.
The agreement, which is subject to the approval of regulatory authorities, is expected to generate a net profit of €300 million.