Allstate Elevates Customer Service Through AI

Amelia, an AI platform created by New York-based technology company IPsoft, is now assisting Allstate’s call center staff to improve the overall customer experience.

Allstate deployed Amelia as a test in September and, to date, has used the platform in more than 3 million customer conversations. With an instant message interface, Amelia leads call center employees through step-by-step procedures to help answer a variety of customer questions, including policy and policyholder information.

Amelia is quickly becoming an important component of our customer service strategy . She provides our call center personnel with the information and procedures they need to address our customers’ questions and concerns” – Allstate Senior Vice President Carla Zuniga.

Amelia’s machine learning capability allows her to improve her ability to answer customer questions by “listening” to interactions she doesn’t understand and with Allstate experts’ help quickly expanding her knowledge.

This AI colleague knows more than 40 industry-specific topics and, because of access to Amelia, newer representatives need less time for training. Amelia can also help keep all employees in compliance with industry regulations. For instance, call center reps are not allowed to process address changes for policyholders in certain states. In this situation, Amelia can provide the information on the proper procedure, and the employee can quickly hand off the session to a licensed colleague.

Bottom Line: Flamingo AI comes to mind.