Diamonds Direct partners with Jewelers Mutual

Jewelry retailer Diamonds Direct now offers its customers access to jewelry insurance directly through Luxsurance® powered by Jewelers Mutual .

Customers will initially be made aware of Jewelers Mutual jewelry protection through in-store brochures and dedicated website content. Plans also include integration with Diamond Direct’s point-of-sale solution and a more digitally immersive experience that meets customers where they are with tech-forward capabilities for storing, managing and viewing jewelry collections. Enhanced technology will streamline store-level processes and boost operational efficiency.

“Our relationship with Jewelers Mutual reflects our mutual commitment to impeccable service, transparency and integrity. Each of us is deeply committed to putting the customer first, which shapes our joint purpose and mission.” –  Tom O’Rourke, COO at Diamonds Direct.

“Our team’s prompt action, collaboration and focus on Diamonds Direct’s business needs helped bring this opportunity to life. We are proud of this exciting milestone and collective success and look forward to serving Diamonds Direct customers for many years to come.” – Mike Alexander, COO at Jewelers Mutual.