Inigo sponsors climate research program with University of Cambridge

Inigo Insurance has announced a three-year sponsorship of a research program at the University of Cambridge aimed at improving the understanding of how climate change influences hurricane risks. The initiative, named InSPIRe (Inigo Storm Prediction and Impact Research), will leverage cutting-edge computing and artificial intelligence to provide deeper insights into the frequency and severity of these extreme weather events, which significantly impact communities and drive insurance claims.

The research will be conducted in collaboration with the Institute of Computing for Climate Science in Cambridge, a leading institution that integrates climate scientists, computer scientists, mathematicians, and engineers to develop advanced climate models. This partnership is part of Inigo’s commitment to helping clients build resilience against the growing threat of climate-related risks.

By advancing the predictive capabilities of climate models, Inigo aims to better assess the likelihood and impact of hurricanes, ultimately enhancing the industry’s ability to prepare for and respond to these catastrophic events.