Using WhatsApp As a Channel to Communicate with Your Customers
Have you ever wished that it was easier to interact with an insurance carrier? We all know that waiting on hold for what can feel like forever and scouring the Internet for answers to seemingly basic questions are major hurdles that can cause most customers to approach simple tasks, such as filing an insurance claim, with caution and dread. With Ushur’s omni-channel Virtual Customer Assistant (VCA) powered by Conversational AI, insurance carriers can automate servicing for their end users in their channel of preference. That’s why Ushur has added WhatsApp, a popular communication tool used by 2 billion people worldwide, as a communication channel.
Why is WhatsApp the perfect channel for this integration? Well, it’s the most popular messaging platform in the world; every day, WhatsApp users exchange over 65 billion messages. It’s free of ads and fees and is easy to use, which has made it enormously popular all over the world — and thus means that the odds are high that your customers either already have WhatsApp or can easily download it to get started. It’s why we at Ushur chose to integrate with WhatsApp, and it’s why WhatsApp is the perfect tool for this new function.
So how does it work?
The process is simple. Let’s go on a journey of what a customer might experience when trying to file a disability claim through WhatsApp.
First, your customer — let’s call her Laura — opens WhatsApp and clicks on her insurance company’s name. To start the process, all Laura needs to do is text her carrier a simple hashtag based on her needs. In this case, Laura sends her insurance company “#claim” to get started on filing a new claim.
Sending this simple message is all that’s needed to initiate an Ushur workflow. Our intelligent automation tools will kick into gear and begin asking Laura a series of questions about her claim. Instead of needing to stay on hold to speak to a representative or spending time navigating a complex website, Laura can simply message her answers to her insurance company quickly, easily, and on her own schedule. Ushur automatically presents our secure Invisible App to Laura to send any confidential data and supporting documents to her insurance company.

Once Laura is done providing information, she can go relax while Ushur helps take care of the rest. Laura’s newly filed claim is safely in the hands of her insurance carrier, where it will be processed just like a normal claim.
But the process doesn’t stop there. When Laura wants to check on the status of her claim to see where it’s at in its approval process journey, all she needs to do is text “#claimstatus” in WhatsApp to learn more about how her claim is being processed. Again, it’s an easy way to check on an important claim when it’s convenient for the customer and remove the hassle that comes with waiting on hold or trying to get in touch with a claims adjuster.
Now, Laura can get the answers she needs in real time and go on with her day, having filed her claim quickly and easily and feeling satisfied with the customer service she’s received. It’s a win-win for both you and your customers.
See it all in Action
Ushur’s integration with WhatsApp is a game-changer when it comes to providing frictionless customer relationships in the insurance industry. This new capability makes it possible for customers and enterprises to communicate and work together easily and efficiently to make stress and hassle a thing of the past.
Your next best step is to see it all in action through a free demo. Drop us a line and we’ll get you scheduled for a personalized, free demo in minutes.

About Ushur
Ushur is the complete solution for intelligent automation. Ushur engages customers over AI-powered chatbots, email, SMS and more, using conversational AI and intuitive workflows to understand what people are saying and what to do next.