Trawick International launches student insurance plans

Trawick International has launched a new portfolio of international student insurance plans, effective immediately.

The Trawick International Collegiate Care plans offer alternatives to traditional college or university health insurance for international students and scholars entering the US on F, M, Q, or J1 visas, or F1 visas with Optional Practical Training (OPT). These plans feature competitive pricing, various deductible options, and comprehensive coverage, including:

  • $0 Student Health Center Copay
  • Mental Health Benefits
  • Preventive Care Benefits
  • 24/7 Multilingual Emergency Assistance
  • Access to a Global Network of Pharmacies
  • Telemedicine Services via SureGo Virtual Care (on most plans)
  • ACA-comparable plans available

The plans are customizable, allowing brokers and education agents to tailor coverage to their clients’ needs. Trawick International’s sister company, SureGo Administrative Services, will manage claims administration for the Collegiate Care plans, ensuring a streamlined process for filing and tracking claims online.

“We are thrilled to introduce these new international student insurance plans in time for the 2024-2025 school year. Trawick International has offered student insurance since we started out in 1998, so it is our longest-standing product and has a special place in our history. The company has evolved and diversified greatly since its inception and now is the perfect time to launch this enhanced student insurance portfolio. We look forward to providing these plans to students and collaborating with education partners to offer them to their clients.” – Daryl Trawick, President and CEO of Trawick International.