The Proactive Insurer

Swiss insurer Baloise is proactively reaching out to policyholders who may have experienced a loss concerning hailstorms or vehicles thanks to intel it receives from

Basically, the insurer has access to which hailstorms have occurred, location and probable loss and can reach out to customers in the area with a personalized text message or email asking whether their vehicles have been affected by the hailstorm. “We are working on implementing a whole host of new initiatives in both prevention and claims handling along the entire service chain to make the lives our customers a bit easier – this fits in with our wider corporate Simply Safe strategy.” – Head of the Claims Department and member of the Executive Committee of Baloise Insurance Switzerland, Mathias Zingg.

Speaking of Baloise, “Does a career ladder always have to go up?”, “Why not have Sunday on Tuesday?”, “Is thinking smarter than doing?” These are the kind of “thought-provoking questions” the insurer is introducing via a new a employer campaign called #WorkLifeBaloise.