Simpego Snap

Basel-based digital broker Simpego has introduced Simpego Snap, a new feature to allow customers to get car insurance in “less than 60 seconds” by uploading a photo of their car registration document to later have Simpego’s software scan the document, capture and analyze relevant data and present a car insurance quote.



While currently used for car registration documents, the new scanner is capable of reading various documents and will be used in the future for other insurance documents.


Simpego Snap is part of the recently launched car insurance offer together with Dextra Versicherungen AG. In addition to car insurance, Simpego offers travel and gadget insurance and is looking to introduce home and life insurance in the future.


To introduce the new offering, Simpego took to the streets of Basel and placed fake scratch stickers and notes on cars, because getting car insurance with Simpego is easy as removing the stickers.


Bottom Line: Joining this list of insurance players.