ProSight Specialty Wants to Make The Payment Process Efficient and Fair

In a press release issued by ProSight Specialty, the specialty lines insurer announced the launch of a Marine Contractors program, Longshore+ Marine Contractors, that unifies all lines of insurance including: Marine General Liability, Workers’ Compensation and USL&H, Contractor’s Equipment, Hull & Machinery, Protection & Indemnity plus Marine Employers Liability, Property, Auto, and Excess (Bumbershoot) Liability. The Benefit. Prior to this new program, when a marine contractor needed to file an employee injury claim, the complicated process of determining where the claim should be filed and which policy would respond would need to be completed. Often, the brokers and attorneys would be put on alert to review multiple insurance policies in an effort to decide which one offered the appropriate coverage – each with separate claims notification requirements. Now, the claims experience is streamlined to a single carrier.


“When all of your marine insurance needs are handled by a single carrier, it eliminates gaps and takes the guess work out of compensation claims. We want to make the payment process efficient and fair – ProSignt Specialty Marine and Offshore Energy program executive Mark Engel.


Recall: ProSight Specialty Insurance is a NJ-based specialty insurer founded by Joseph Beneducci in 2009. It has a sweet spot for risks in construction, media and restaurants; to name three. Also, in 2016, it was ranked as one of the top 10 fastest growing companies in NJ for the 3rd straight year.