Paydrive partners with Cambridge Mobile Telematics

Swedish insurance company Paydrive is partnering with Cambridge Mobile Telematics to upgrade its pricing engine with driving intelligence.

Paydrive will leverage driving data and rating insights from CMT’s DriveWell platform, which powers over 80 telematics-based programs in 20 countries worldwide. These new data streams from CMT’s Tag IoT device – as an alternative to the current OBD-II dongle – and app-based smartphone telematics will allow Paydrive to further optimize pricing thanks to “the most accurate mileage and driving behavior data,” as well as traditional pricing parameters.

CMT’s DriveWell platform uses smartphone sensors to measure risky driving behaviors like speeding, hard braking, sharp turns, sudden acceleration, or phone distraction. CMT’s platform provides more than 70 insurers worldwide with driving intelligence and advanced risk assessment.

Paydrive plans to launch the new service in spring of 2022. It will be available in Paydrive’s main product which is a hybrid of distance and behavior-based insurance, with premiums initially based on conventional criteria. Drivers pay monthly, with updates to their premiums every three months from telematics-based driver risk data.

“We have tested lots of solutions that combine smartphone apps and tags of various kinds, but none come close to Cambridge Mobile Telematics’ quality and performance. In combination with new cars’ direct connections, this improves ease of use, reduces cost and enables us to reach even more car insurance customers.” – Carl Johan Thorsell, CEO of Paydrive AB.

“We are delighted to work with Paydrive on this unique hybrid model and will wholeheartedly support its expansion in and outside Sweden. Their dynamic QOTA algorithm, which is optimized quarterly, enables great pricing accuracy and fairness.” – Ben Bowne, Senior VP of business development & partnerships at CMT.