NFP Ventures invests in vaccination management company VaxAtlas

NFP Ventures , the early-stage investment arm of NFP, announced a seed investment in VaxAtlas , a Farmington-based vaccine management platform.

VaxAtlas offers users a digital and portable solution to manage COVID-19 vaccination information. Users can record and store vaccine information, receive alerts for upcoming vaccine appointments and verify and share completed vaccination records. In addition, the platform includes scheduling, reminders and recording of COVID-19 booster shots, flu vaccines, travel vaccines, seasonal vaccines and others.


NFP Ventures invested in VaxAtlas to benefit NFP clients who are looking for a system for vaccine management to track and organize records. The VaxAtlas solution offers a dynamic management dashboard for HR teams, with visibility into vaccine participation across the organization. As organizations work to bring employees back to work safely, clients can use the VaxAtlas platform to navigate COVID-19 vaccine distribution.

“With the rapidly evolving landscape around vaccine distribution, it’s critical to utilize solutions that make the distribution process as quick and seamless as possible. VaxAtlas provides employers a solution for vaccine management for their employees in an easy to use app that offers comprehensive vaccine management, including COVID-19 vaccines. Clients have a timely opportunity to adopt the solution during an unprecedented vaccination effort and establish a long-term resource for tracking and organizing all vaccine records. We’re excited to continue providing innovative tools and solutions that support our clients’ needs today and into the future.” – Shawn Ellis, managing director of NFP Ventures.

“We’re thrilled to partner with NFP and provide their clients with access to our vaccine management platform. We’ve spent years building a comprehensive vaccine management solution and with the global demand for COVID-19 vaccines, we’re ready to make it easier to navigate the distribution process.” – Judi Korzec, CEO of VaxAtlas.

Bottom Line: a policy perk that will hopefully expire sooner than later.