Method Insurance reaches $100 million inforce premium

Workers’ compensation company Salus announced that their in-house MGA, Method Insurance , has achieved $100 million inforce premium. “When Salus acquired Method in 2019, we set a goal to be at $100 million inforce premium by the end of 2022. We’ve hit that mark six months early!” – Method’s President, Greg Donsbach.

“We recognize that reaching this important milestone took the coordinated effort of each employee. This is a testament to the talent of our associates, valued distribution, and carrier partners. We appreciate the value that each and every one of them create.” – Salus’ Board of Directors.

“We set out to provide policyholders with an exclusive workers’ compensation product offered through a limited distribution network. To now reach $100M demonstrates that both agents and insureds recognize that our total cost of risk strategy is very much needed and valued. We’re honored to work with agency partners who see our vision and believe in the value of Method. We’ll continue growing strategically with our agency partners, both existing and new, to provide excellent service throughout the life of their client’s policy. How we onboard new policyholders, how we help them develop effective safety practices, and how we manage claims are all because we’re invested in their success. We will continue investing in next-level services. Our commitment to excellence will shine through in 2022 with our premium achievements, claims performance, and technological enhancements. We will continue to provide top-of-the-line programs that benefit agents and their clients on our way to our next milestone.” – Julie Richt, Method’s Executive Vice President of Revenue.

“Everything we do comes down to benefiting the people we care for. When we efficiently manage the highest quality of care for injured employees, we drive financial benefit for everyone. The fact that we’ve achieved such a significant goal in such a short time proves that we are providing the quality that we’ve set out to. I’m so proud of what we’ve built together, not only since our founding in 2018, but what we’ve been able to accomplish every day since.” – Salus’ founder and CEO, Dr. Richard Rehm.