Mercury Insurance launches MercuryGO for Oklahoma Drivers
Los Angeles-based regional insurer Mercury Insurance has made its usage-based insurance app MercuryGO available to drivers in Oklahoma. The app is also available in Texas.
The app acts as a virtual driving coach, providing skill scores that give real-time feedback about driving behavior. Mercury auto insurance policyholders who enroll to use the app immediately receive a 5% participation discount and teen drivers will receive up to a 10% discount. Then, when MercuryGO customers renew their policies, they could receive a discount of up to 40%, depending upon their driving score.
“Driving safety is a very important issue for Mercury and we continually look for ways to help educate drivers of all ages on the importance of being alert behind the wheel, while also equipping them with the skills to avoid potentially dangerous driving behaviors. Most auto collisions are preventable, so MercuryGO is a simple way to help keep drivers focused on their main task and, as a result, reduce fatalities and serious injuries. Plus, they could also end up saving a lot of money with this program.” – Mercury Insurance Customer Service Project Manager Sherrie Schreck.
The MercuryGO app generates a driving skill score, which is calculated based on categories that are closely correlated with car crashes: excessive speeding, hard braking, distracted driving (i.e., phone motion and screen interaction), and road type.
Cambridge Mobile Telematics (CMT) is Mercury’s technology partner. “Mercury Insurance is utilizing the DriveWell platform to help drivers reduce distracted driving, speeding, and hard braking by keeping them engaged and providing timely feedback. MercuryGO will help make Oklahoma roads safer and has the potential to reduce the number of car collisions, injuries and fatalities.” – Ryan McMahon, CMT’s Vice President of Insurance and Government Affairs.