Meet DataCubes

The commercial insurance Big Data landscape has a new entrant, DataCubes, who’s entering the space in the most exciting time. Take Five with the founder and CEO Kuldeep Malik below.

1. What’s in a name?

Names are powerful: they tell a story, are a source of inspiration and in many ways naming things is an act of convenience. Ultimately – it isn’t the name that defines you, but it is what you do.

2. Why DataCubes?

DataCubes represents cubes of big Big Data that serve as the foundational blocks for solving complex data driven business problems, and the first complex business problem that we are solving is commercial insurance underwriting. Underwriting is at the core of the insurance industry; it is the secret sauce. For hundreds of years, this process was accomplished through the individual judgment of highly experienced underwriters. In the digital age, individual risk underwriting hasn’t gone away for commercial lines, but the characteristics that are driving it are more quantified, requiring not only more data but also more consistent data. Our goal is to enable commercial underwriting with two pieces of information (i.e. business name and address) using Data Science.

3. If you could tell your potential client one thing, what would it be?

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” The insurance industry has a reputation for being slow to change. This limits our ability to attract talent and innovators. However, we are at an inflection point – the insurance industry is attracting great interest from innovators and venture capitalists alike. We need to embrace and foster innovation.

4. Which startup has gotten your attention recently?

From an insurance perspective, I think startups combining AI and Automation of knowledge work are creating a new wave of innovation. While not a startup, Expert Systems out of Europe is doing some cool stuff around Semantic Intelligence.

5.  Favorite mantra?

Do your best, leave the rest.