Introducing the double-sided name badges
On June 23, we had our first ever event. We also had an epiphany. Coverager isn’t a media company in insurance. It’s a media company for insurance. And there’s a big difference. And so we do things a bit differently. Let the recap begin.
Thu, Jun 22, 8:57 pm.
It started with an email that was sent out to all of our attendees on Thu, Jun 22, 8:57 pm; the night before the event. The email was really an icebreaker. It listed the brands attending, a latest snippet and what one can ask. For instance:
“Arent Fox. A law firm. But not just a law firm. According to Wiki, Taylor Swift used its services. Ask them about new trends in compliance-as-a-service.”
You can read the full email here. But what you really need to know is that on average the email was opened 5 times. Not surprising because at Coverager we write really good emails.
Fri, Jun 23.
Pre-show smiles and double-sided name badges.
Because it’s the little things that make a difference.
Avi gave a brief intro that included a detailed explanation on fidget spinners, fidget spinners colors, and what one can do when dissatisfied with his/her color.
QnA with MT Carney, founder and CEO of Untitled Worldwide.
We brought an outsider to talk about insurtech insiders.
Coverager in Black & White.
Everyone left with their very own big book of coverage, which included data on insurance brands across regions, lines of business and stages. In black and white.
Getting to YES! with Heidi Lawson of Mintz Levin.
Heidi Lawson, Co-chair Mintz Levin’s Insurance, spoke about the right kind of love between an insurance startup and an established player, mixing business with legal expertise, and the importance of creative. Hint: ‘no one loves like I love you’ is rarely true.
Getting to know Fro with Jared Polin, Cofounder of MyGearVault.
The hair is real. Conversion is at 17% and despite almost 1 million YouTube subscribers, Jared knows how and why he needs to diversify from YouTube.
And more networking.
Followed by Cake.

And more cake.
And here’s what some had to say.
Last one.
Because when was the last time anyone used the word ‘authentic’ to describe an insurance event? Well, that’s exactly it. This really wasn’t an insurance event. It was an event for insurance professionals. Big difference. & Thank you to all that made it. Visit Coverager’s Facebook page for additional photos.