HSB introduces HSB Precision Ag
HSB, part of Munich Re, has introduced HSB Precision Ag insurance, a flexible suite of coverage designed for large commercial enterprises and smaller family farms, as it combines equipment breakdown and cyber insurance to offer broad protection for data-driven precision agriculture.
“Data and technology are at the center of today’s farming operations. Increasing demand and climate change are driving the need for more efficiency and producers are pushing their equipment harder than ever. Farmers can’t afford expensive breakdowns, downtime, or the loss of critical information they depend on.” – Ken Grothe, assistant vice president for HSB.
Precision Ag covers the physical breakdown of equipment and the failure of microcircuitry and firmware for sensors, monitors, cameras and other electronics inside the cabs of tractors and combines. It’s the first farm insurance with an option to extend that coverage to portable agricultural implements, such as seeders, sprayers, spreaders and tillers, for both mechanical breakdowns and undetectable damage to the sensitive microelectronics that control them.
Coverage is available through property-casualty insurers who partner with HSB to add the coverage for their farm policyholders.