Holloway Friendly joins UnderwriteMe’s Protection Platform

Income protection provider Holloway Friendly has joined UnderwriteMe ’s Protection Platform.

Founded in 2012, UnderwriteMe is the wholly owned subsidiary of Pacific Life Re offering a comparison platform in the UK, Asia and Australia markets. “We continue to prioritize change, based on adviser feedback. A number of firms asked us to join UnderwriteMe’s platform, and we’ve listened. It’s efficient, and it helps advisers quickly find the best price and cover. Two years ago, we replaced our underwriting engine using UnderwriteMe’s technology, which greatly improved our adviser journey and online decision rate. Joining the ProtectionPlatform was a natural next step. Now, we’re looking forward to helping advisers get a better outcome for more of their clients.” – Suzy Esson, COO at Holloway Friendly.

Holloway Friendly joins a number of other insurers offering income protection on the Protection Platform, as UnderwriteMe look to further increase their market coverage in 2024.

“The platform is a way to give advisers more visibility of the price and cover we can offer, after underwriting. That’s not always obvious from a basic quote, and we’re confident we’ll often be able to offer a competitive price. The single application form covers different product types, as well as different insurers. For example, with no extra form filling, an adviser could easily recommend one insurer for Life or Critical Illness insurance, and Holloway Friendly for Income Protection. Being able to mix and match in this way will make it easier for advisers to provide the best combination of cover and price to their clients.” – Martin Sincup, Head of Marketing and Propositions at Holloway Friendly.

“Advisers value choice and coverage, so we’re delighted to welcome Holloway Friendly to the platform. Specialist insurers sometimes offer something different when it comes to underwriting and risk. Through our platform, this will now be more accessible to our users. We want to support industry growth in IP sales by offering it as part of a multi-benefit solution, from different providers, powered by one application form. So, we’re pleased to grow our market coverage in this space.” – Mark Cracknell, Commercial Director at UnderwriteMe.