Herald Introduces AI-powered Data Extraction

Herald is excited to announce our first step towards GenAI-enabled tooling: the launch of our Data Extraction feature, currently available in Beta. This new tool marks a significant step in streamlining the insurance quote-and-bind workflow by enabling enterprise brokerages to extract unstructured data from PDF documents—such as application forms—and seamlessly integrate them into their systems via our API product suite.

Transforming Unstructured Data

Brokers routinely handle key information in unstructured formats like PDFs. This includes critical documents such as application forms, financial statements, or location summaries that carriers need to generate quotes. Despite brokers already capturing much of this data being readily available in disparate and unstructured sources, brokers carriers often face the challenge of manual data entry to make it usable in their systems.

Herald’s new Data Extraction feature simplifies this process by enabling users to upload PDFs through our /files endpoint. The system then extracts relevant data, mapping it to Herald parameters. From there, the extracted data can be used to pre-fill new applications via a simple POST request to /data_extractions/{data_extraction_id}/applications. This eliminates the need for tedious manual input, speeding up the entire quote-and-bind process.

Supported Files and Formats

‍Currently, the feature supports data extraction from PDF-based application forms, with additional file types and formats potentially supported in the future. Users with specific file needs are encouraged to reach out to Herald’s Customer Success team for further assistance.

A Beta Feature: Paving the Way for GenAI Integration

‍While still in Beta, this feature represents the first step Herald is taking towards incorporating GenAI technology into its API product suite. By enabling automated data extraction from unstructured formats, Herald is laying the foundation for future advancements that will leverage GenAI to further streamline and enhance insurance workflows.

The Future of Insurance Workflows

‍As Herald continues to innovate, the Data Extraction feature demonstrates the company’s commitment to making insurance processes more efficient. By offering a smarter, faster way to handle document submissions, Herald is positioning itself as a key player in the ongoing evolution of insurance technology.

Interested in learning more or accessing the Beta feature? Book a meeting with the Herald team!‍

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