Gridspace enhances AI voice agent Grace

Los Angeles-based Gridspace , a conversational AI technology company backed by USAA , has announced a major update to Grace, its voice agent for businesses. With this update, Grace can now respond more quickly and empathetically to customer emotions, and new model capabilities enable it to express its own emotional states, marking a significant advancement in spoken dialog systems.

In contact centers, where nearly half of all interactions involve customer frustration, Grace’s ability to accurately detect and respond to emotions is crucial. The enhanced features improve Grace’s understanding and reaction to customer emotions, leading to higher satisfaction and more successful outcomes. By managing emotionally charged and routine inquiries, Grace alleviates the load on live agents, allowing them to focus on more complex calls. This capability has resulted in reduced stress and burnout rates among agents, as well as increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Grace is already making a significant impact in industries like healthcare, financial services, and other sectors that demand sensitive handling of customer interactions. In these environments, Grace’s advanced emotional intelligence is enhancing care quality and accelerating issue resolution. Gridspace’s proprietary speech and language technology, which includes high-performance voice telephony, top-tier automated speech recognition (ASR), realistic text-to-speech (TTS), and low-latency dialog systems, powers Grace.