Following The Footsteps of NYU, Oxford University Launches Oxford Fintech
University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School announced on Wednesday that it will launch an online short course in fintech: “This online course is currently being developed by Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, in collaboration with GetSmarter.” According to the company’s landing page, industry experts believe that between 2 million and 6 million jobs will be lost over the next decade due to “disruptive financial technologies” like AI and blockchain; ultimately leading to leaner financial institutions. This course is designed to equip some with the ability to identify “opportunities for disruption” in the financial services sector.
Bottom Line: heard that before. NYU Stern launched a Fintech MBA Program last year. And there’s the Fintech School initiative, also launched last year, which provides a few online courses starting at $25.
Then again, there’s quality, and then there’s quality.