Coming soon to Tennessee – auto insurance verification system

The Tennessee Department of Revenue will introduce an auto insurance verification system come 2017. The new web-based program will verify insurance for all Tennessee drivers on an ongoing basis. Here’s how it works: all personal auto insurance carriers registered to write policies in Tennessee will register with the department and provide required policy information. In turn, the system will check the policies intel against all currently registered VINs in Tennessee to verify coverage, throughout the year. If the system is unable to confirm coverage for a vehicle, a notice will be sent to that owner asking for proof of coverage or other means of ‘financial responsibility’. Note: the state defines ‘financial responsibility’ as having car insurance with certain defined limits or posting a bond or cash deposit for $65K. Bottom Line: not the first time a state attempts to create an online insurance verification system. Think: Montana, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming. One less use case for GAPro System and the likes?