Co-op Insurance Launches Personalized Videos

Following a research by Co-op Insurance, which found that seven out of ten drivers do not properly read their insurance documents when renewing or buying a new car insurance policy, the insurer will now provide each policyholder with a personalized video that highlights his/her exact coverage.



“When it comes to insurance, clearly understanding what you’re covered for is really important and prevents complications further down the line. There’s a clear disconnect between customers and their policy documents , so we wanted to address this head on by trialling new ways to deliver this information. With these videos, we are taking steps to make insurance documents easier to digest, highlighting the main points of cover as well as the cost of the cover. Through a more personalized approach, we believe we can create a more transparent relationship between us as an insurance provider and our customers.” – Head of Motor Insurance at Co-op Insurance, Nick Ansley.


Bottom Line: AXA Italia comes to mind.