Avail has a new offering

Avail Carsharing, the car sharing platform owned by Allstate, is making its tech available for others, including competitors.

The unit has a new offering displayed on its site – Avail business solutions – which gives companies the tools they need to launch and manage mobility solutions. “Avail powers your mobility platform, whether you’re managing a direct-to-consumer offering, corporate sharing/pooling, or other solution. We provide the customizable tools and products you need to launch and grow your business, from software that enables contactless key exchange to end-to-end reservation and asset management.”

Businesses leveraging the Avail platform will be able to access a variety of solutions and tools such as reservations, user screening, contactless key exchange, inventory management, and billing and payments.

Established in 2018, Avail competes with the likes of Turo and Getaround. Initially, the offering was available at select airports across the country and the company later expanded to certain neighborhoods in Chicago, Denver, and Seattle. Avail ended up shutting its airport operations and today the company is available in select locations across Chicago and Denver.

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