The financing will accelerate Blackpanda's expansion across Asia and enhance its comprehensive “IR-1” cyber security solution.
landlords have a Member Perks program where they have access to "affordable landlord insurance services" through Steadily.
Marine Cargo UK provides coverage on an all-risks basis.
North Carolina homeowners policies are available through Orion180’s admitted insurer.
The platform leverages Microsoft’s technology to offer data-driven solutions for hurdles related to climate change.
The program accommodates more than 400 business classes across eight industries.
AFL can now offer up to $5 million in capacity on an admitted basis for Financial Institutions located in New York.
The expanded partnership will see Online Injury Alerts integrated more deeply into Hastings' counter-fraud efforts.
Brennan brings nearly two decades of insurance industry and public company executive experience.
Key features include digital pay corrections, compliance maintenance, and general ledger management.
Julie will manage the performance of Carbon’s syndicates.
Media Guarantors specializes in completion guarantees for independent film and television projects.
Jimenez began her career at Brown & Brown in 2013.
Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance announced that it has opened an office in Milan.
The transaction supports TFP’s growth strategy and enhances value creation for its shareholders.