Editor at Coverager
After 10 years at the helm, Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf steps down willingly; walking away with a $134.1 million package. (Craig David comes to mind). Recall: the bank came under fire for its cross-selling-slash-sales-tactics,...
Indian insurance aggregator Coverfox allows its customers to file an insurance claim without moving an inch. Think: a customer presses a button from a mobile app. A Coverfox rep arrives at...
Though flying cars might still be a distant figment of the future, a majority of Northwest residents believe that self-driving automobiles will soon join other vehicles on the road. But...
American National is fueling passion for collector cars with an exciting new website. FuelTube.com is a first-of-its-kind site that allows visitors to personalize video playlists that match their automotive interest...
Partner Fund Management is suing blood-testing company Theranos and its founder Elizabeth Holmes for nearly $100 million after both reportedly lied about the company’s technology to secure funding. Recall: last...
Insuritas, the nation’s fastest growing InsurTech Company, announced today that GuardStreet™ and WellCard™ Savings have successfully deployed their personal data protection and health care discount cardonthe Insuritas SmartCART™ platform. SmartCART...
The once upon a time perfect startup that has gotten into a mess over its violations of insurance rules has now settled with Washington, making it the 8th state (think: Arizona,...
Palo Alto-based startup Nauto announced a new partnership with three automakers and one Allianz; all four are also investors in the autonomous vehicle tech provider, which raised over $14.85 million in funding....
Medical insurance platform iNuka Pap will represent Kenya in the Seedstars World (think: world’s biggest startup competition in emerging markets) final taking place in April 2017 in Switzerland, where it will...
Think: an online platform for international students looking to purchase health insurance in Austria. Just launched.
Remember when Esurance tried to amuse some with its ‘Election Insurance’ plan that promised to protect one’s home for the next four years till a more qualified pres. came along? Well, the San Fran-based insurer...
Think: new renters insurance player designed to be the “first bot platform for renters insurance” targeting millennials by taking the burden of managing their stuff off their shoulders.
Targeting smallholder maize farmers, the venture will use point-sensor technology to measure rainfall and plant health throughout the year. Included: a proprietary index to support the insurance product and a two-way mobile...
Lemonade cofounder Shai Wininger shares stats from the first 48 hours after debuting its renters insurance product in NY, stating the company is a tech company. Majority of Lemonade’s visitors were male 14.8% conversion rate 22%...
Slice, the on demand insurtech startup-slash-MGA launched in 2015, is now in private beta to hosts in Iowa who rent their homes. Recall: the startup raised $3.9 million (plus) and is...