Editor at Coverager
GEICO had 28,247 employees at the end of 2024.
dayforward.com now redirects visitors to dayforward.io.
The lack of alignment between price and risk led State Farm General to spend $1.26 for every $1 it collected in premium.
Vouch Insurance Services, LLC is now known as Corix Insurance Services, LLC.
Rainbow initially focused on offering coverage for restaurants.
Pine View is led by the co-founder of Corvus.
Customers will be able to choose from single-trip and annual multi-trip policies.
Overhaul is a provider of supply chain risk management and intelligence.
The addition of Caramel will make buying and selling vehicles on eBay more simple than ever.
The startup disclosed ~$150 million in total funding.
The company generated £241 million in written premiums.
According to reports, Chime has about 7 million active users.
Hostaway is a provider of an all-in-one vacation rental software and management system.
The investment brings Players Health’s total funding to over $100 million.
GM intends to combine Cruise and GM technical teams.