Ahm Health Insurance Ads Enjoy a Healthy Dose of Creativity


Ahm health insurance (the one from Australia that’s owned by Medibank) has recently launched a new campaign that is all about conveying its tagline “Join Ahm, for health insurance you might actually use.” The campaign consists of several ads including:

Binge watching for ‘binge watching cover’:



Olive pit for ‘accidentally ate that cover’:


Gym for ‘attempting gym again cover’:


And if you think that’s creative, here’s a trip down memory lane on the company’s prior marketing efforts.

The company has recently collaborated with the Australian Traffic Network (ATN) and oOh!media to deliver ads to commuters via radio. This was a week-long campaign that synchronized Ahm’s sponsored radio ads with digital billboards in Melbourne.



Also, it runs several 30-seconds spots with the tagline ‘Never go full adult’:







Last, last year the company launched a campaign that encouraged Aussies to dump their partners and by ‘partners’ think health insurers. “Imagine you’re this man and she is your health insurer. Hmmm, that’s her hand in your pocket – not in a flirty way but in a locating your wallet way to pay for those exy extras she made you get. Are you just going to stand in a paddock and take it? Dump her for Ahm”. There was also an equivalent side to this, where ‘he’ is the health insurer. Watch here and here.



And very last, the brand offers members the ability to save 20% off on their sports apparel.

Bottom Line: a look at Ahm’s creativity, not credibility .