Falcon Risk Services partners with Cogitate

Financial and cyber lines MGA Falcon Risk Services has gone live on both Cogitate’s DigitalEdge Policy and DigitalEdge Claims solutions to manage the full lifecycle of its professional lines of coverage. Cogitate , a provider of digital insurance solutions for P&C Carriers and DUAEs, has launched Falcon Risk Service’s digital initiative for both policy and claims in a time frame of 7 months.

Founded in 2021, Falcon Risk Services offers professional liability lines of business, including management liability, financial, cyber/tech E&O.

“Cogitate’s understanding of insurance operations and processes was critical to developing and implementing an aggressive timeline to launch. Their ability to conceptualize the transformation of our manual workflows accelerated the customizations we required specific to the complex risks we underwrite. The ease of integration with data providers and solutions specific to our goals for greater efficiencies is a huge outcome of this implementation.” – Craig Landi, Founder and CEO, Falcon Risk Services.

“We’re excited to have Falcon Risk Services join our family of innovative clients. We share their passion for data, analytics, AI, and predictive modeling to streamline submissions, reduce underwriting cycle times, and facilitate insights for highly informed decision-making across the organization.” – Arvind Kaushal, CEO and co-founder of Cogitate.