Carpe Data and Hastings Direct deepen their partnership

Carpe Data , a provider of next-generation data solutions for the insurance industry, announced the expansion of its partnership with Hastings Direct , a UK-based insurance provider.

What started as a pilot project to detect fraud in injury claims has now become a crucial part of Hastings Direct’s operations. Carpe Data’s Online Injury Alerts have helped reduce loss expenses and speed up claims resolution.

The expanded partnership will see Online Injury Alerts integrated more deeply into Hastings’ counter-fraud efforts, aiming to improve efficiency and support the insurer in tackling fraud.

“We invest considerably in data and technology to fight fraud. Expanding our use of Carpe Data fits with our strategy squarely. I am excited to see how this growing relationship helps us further protect our good and honest customers and, in turn, saves customers money.” – Matthew Stevens, Anti-Fraud Director at Hastings Direct.

“We are thrilled to see our relationship with Hastings Direct grow from a pilot project to a cornerstone of their fraud detection efforts. This partnership is a testament to our commitment to delivering innovative solutions that not only detect fraud more effectively but also transform the insurance landscape for the better.” – Geoff Andrews, COO of Carpe Data.