HawkSoft Welcomes Rhodian Group to Solution Partner Program

Rhodian delivers accessible, reliable, and secure managed IT environments to agencies.

Rhodian Group, one of the leading providers of managed IT and cybersecurity services to the independent insurance industry – officially joins HawkSoft’s Solution Partner Program. Rhodian has nearly 20 years of experience in cloud computing services and consulting, with a particular focus on cybersecurity and compliance to safeguard its clients from cyber threats and regulatory penalties.

With this partnership, independent insurance agencies that use HawkSoft gain access to Rhodian’s Cloud Workspace service packages, which includes crucial technology services such as:

  • An optimized, managed IT infrastructure
  • Cybersecurity tools, services, and consulting
  • Configurations that meet compliance standards

And much more, all for a simple monthly cost. This partnership provides HawkSoft agencies with a much more streamlined path toward implementation and budgeting for these services, in addition to the access they gain to Rhodian’s Client Success Team, Service Desk, and technology experts.  

 “We are excited to be working with HawkSoft and the agencies they serve,” said Kris Bryant, Co-President and Chief Revenue Officer of Rhodian Group. “HawkSoft has demonstrated a commitment to the cybersecurity of its userbase, and this partnership strengthens that commitment by providing independent agencies access to the tools they need to work, and the means to keep that work protected. Our partnership with HawkSoft marks a significant milestone for Rhodian, as we are now partnered with the top three providers of agency management services to the independent insurance industry.”

“Rhodian’s focus on cybersecurity really stood out to us,” said Rushang Shah, Chief Marketing Officer at HawkSoft. “Having an IT infrastructure is standard in today’s world, but many agencies are left to their own devices to find a cybersecurity partner to meet those needs too. Rhodian provides the best of both worlds.”  

HawkSoft and Rhodian have already planned for future communications and resources, including webinars, to help the HawkSoft independent agency channel with important IT and cybersecurity topics.

HawkSoft customers are encouraged to schedule a free IT and cybersecurity consultation with Rhodian Group. To learn more about HawkSoft and Rhodian’s partnership and the Rhodian Cloud Workspace, visit https://www.hawksoft.com/about/partners/.

About HawkSoft

Since 1995, HawkSoft is a leader in management systems for independent insurance agencies that want effective workflows and a delightful experience for staff and policyholders. Created by independent agents, HawkSoft continues to evolve as a cutting-edge system that powers thousands of agencies. HawkSoft offers the following promise to insurance agents: your investment in HawkSoft will pay for itself in the first year. Learn more about HawkSoft’s unique father-and-son story at www.hawksoft.com/story.

About Rhodian Group

Rhodian Group helps businesses build and manage their network environments with managed IT services so they can focus on their core strengths and growth initiatives. They also help businesses identify and reduce cybersecurity and non-compliance risks. Their combination of IT, cybersecurity, and compliance services helps businesses operate safely, while complying with industry mandates and regulatory requirements. For more information, visit rhodiangroup.com, email info@rhodiangroup.com, or call 877-860-0700.


Media Contacts

Rushang Shah

JP Pritchard
Rhodian Group

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