MassMutual discontinues LifeScore Labs

LifeScore Labs , a venture created by MassMutual in 2017, was designed to commercialize select intellectual properties developed by MassMutual’s Data Science team.

The flagship product, LifeScore360, was a comprehensive mortality risk score offering detailed visualizations of contributing factors and suggested ranges for each risk class.

In 2018, LifeScore Labs announced a collaboration with Swiss Re. This partnership aimed to integrate LifeScore360 as an additional analytics option for Swiss Re’s automated underwriting system, Magnum. Beyond this, Swiss Re agreed to support the use of LifeScore360 in life reinsurance transactions across the US, reflecting the potential and ambition behind LifeScore Labs’ technology.

However, despite these strategic moves and partnerships, LifeScore Labs struggled to find a sustainable product-market fit. In late 2019, the company underwent a rebranding effort but more recently made the decision to discontinue this services.

We reached out to MassMutual and this is their response:

“Since 2017, LifeScore Labs has focused on providing solutions to improve risk selection and accelerate the underwriting process. We have gained invaluable insights that we will continue to leverage within MassMutual to deliver best-in-class underwriting.”