ZugarZnap Status Update

Last year, UK-based ZugarZnap was named as one of Insurance Age’s ‘insurtech to watch’. Recall:  ZugarZnap is a warranty provider offering the benefit of having a single policy for all of one’s gadgets for the fun price of £12 a month.


According to LinkedIn, 2 employees work at the startup.


According to SimilarWeb, there’s not enough data to report site traffic.


According to Twitter, the last time the company tweeted was this time, exactly last year:



According to Facebook, its idea to offer a Zhitphone with every gadget policy bought, triggered a bad association:


According to ZugarZnap.com, disabled entry forms are part of its customer journey:


Now that you’ve been warned, you can experience it all here.


PS. Insurance Age is clearly not a visionary.