The first Taiwanese end-of-life service platform has launched
Meet 51 People Commitment. Think: a mobile app for folks over 50 in Taiwan that’s meant to (1) guarantee funeral service in case of accidental death, (2) allow users to store legal documentation (think: wills), and (3) offer end-of-life planning; all for the low cost of NT$1 per month (~30 cents). “51 People Commitment combines cutting-edge cloud and mobile internet technology to make our services and protection accessible to all, irrespective of one’s wealth. It is not only the first one-stop end-of-life service platform in the world but also a significant milestone in the transformation of Taiwan’s funeral industry” – said Sheng-Zhong Chen, Investment Director at Chan Yun Enterprise Co., Ltd, the developer of ’51’. Bottom Line: the end-of-life industry is an $18 billion industry in the US alone, with at least 4 somewhat similar players.